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Continuing the opportunity for Jewish learning.

Keshet, Confirmation Classes

Keshet is the educational offering for students in eighth and ninth grades and meets approximately twice each month. Confirmation is the educational offering for students in tenth grade.

Keshet and Confirmation, as well as Teen Space Time, meet on Sunday afternoons following Religious School. Teen Space Time will begin at noon with class being concluded at 1:30 p.m. During Teen Space Time, pizza (and breadsticks …ask your teen) are provided and teens have an opportunity to socialize with their friends.

Our goals for Keshet include presenting engaging experiences for our teens that support them in remaining connected to both our CBH community and their Jewish friends while also nurturing a lifelong sense of Jewish learning. It is also our goal to keep our teens learning in Keshet leading to their participation in our Confirmation program with Rabbi Bess and Rabbi Jeremy. 

Our Keshet program includes a two-year rotating curriculum with a focus on antisemitism as well as the more complex issues related to Israel. Our antisemitism curriculum will utilize materials from the ADL as well as local resources. Our Israel learning will continue to use the new URJ Arzenu Israel curriculum as well as the On The Map curriculum from the San Francisco Jewish Learning Works Agency. Learning experiences will also include experiential modules such as Jewish cooking or krav maga as well as social action opportunities with Grace Garden, the University Retirement Center, or a local food agency.

The Confirmation Class is taught by our rabbinic team of Rabbi Bess Wohler and Rabbi Jeremy Simons. Curriculum for Confirmation may include continued learning about Israel, Mussar (a Jewish spiritual practice that supports us in living a meaningful ethical life), and opportunities to explore the Jewish perspective on current events. The Confirmation year culminates with students participating in a Confirmation service around the time of Shavuot, celebrating the giving of Torah and harvesting their learning. Rabbi Bess Wohlner may be contacted at rabbibesswohlner@bethaverim.org; Rabbi Jeremy Simons at rabbijeremysimons@bethaverim.org.

Students in both Keshet and Confirmation will have the opportunity to spend the day with Rabbi Bess and Rabbi Jeremy in San Francisco exploring the Jewish community. Teens will also have the opportunity every other year to join the CBH teen delegation traveling to Washington D.C. to participate in the L’Taken Social Justice Seminar, offered by the RAC (Religious Action Center) of the Reform Judaism Movement.



Enrollment is accepted at any time during the school year. If there is an unpaid balance from the previous school year, please contact the CBH office (530-758-0842) to make a payment.

A minimum payment of 50% of the unpaid balance from a previous school year is required before you can register your child for the upcoming school year and a payment plan needs to be in place for the remainder of the balance.

Financial assistance is available. Please review our scholarship application page and feel free to contact the Executive Director confidentially for questions.

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