Home / Learn / Teens


A home for 8th to 12th graders at Bet Haverim.

Teen engagement is a high priority at Congregation Bet Haverim. We have almost forty teens still involved in a variety of offerings including our DRTY youth group, Keshet and Confirmation classes and our Madrichim program. The strength of these programs is exciting and the quality of our teens is outstanding.

To learn more about any of the Teen Programming options at CBH, please view the current calendar or contact Director of Education.

Madrichim Program

Increase self confidence, strengthen Jewish values, and serve as role models for our younger children.

Keshet / Confirmation

Continue Jewish learning for teens on Sunday afternoons.

Teen Space

Teens are welcome to gather at scheduled times to meet friends, play games, snack, and “chill.”

DRTY Youth Group

Teens develop their own social programs and reach out to other teens in our community through Davis Reform Temple Youth (DRTY).

New to Congregation Bet Haverim?

As the center of Jewish community life in Davis and the surrounding area, we are committed to building a community which meets the educational, spiritual and social needs of people in all stages of life.

© 2023 Congregation Bet Haverim

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