Home / About Us

A House of Friends, A Community Open to All

Congregation Bet Haverim is the center for Jewish community life in Davis and its immediate surrounding area.

We are here to promote the enduring and fundamental principles of Judaism, to ensure the continuity of Jewish communal worship, study, and assembly, and to apply the principles of Reform Judaism to the values and conduct of the individual, family, and society in which we live.

We are committed to creating a deeply caring Jewish community that meets the educational, spiritual, and social needs of people in all stages of life. Our goal is to encourage people to interact with Jewish tradition and its values through Jewish study, worship, celebration, social action, and social activities.

Our Core Values

We maintain a Jewish presence in Yolo County, and welcome connections with all Jews as well as other Jewish and local organizations in the region.

We warmly embrace diversity, equity, and inclusion principles and nurture connections among all our partners. We recognize that our diverse partnership is a source of strength, celebration, and learning.

We recognize and respect different expressions of Judaism including spirituality, interfaith, LGBTQ+, and political perspectives.

We respect and value Jewish traditions and provide multiple and diverse opportunities for their expression through religious services, holiday celebrations, community programs, education, and support to our partners.

We embrace the Jewish value of tikkun olam as embodied through social action, environmental consciousness, and respect for all.

We provide a variety of programs to engage and meet the different interests and needs of our partners.

We nurture and instill a strong connection to Judaism in the lives of our children and teens.

We value expansive lifelong Jewish learning and engagement and are responsive to the needs of all partners at all stages of life.

We support Israel and believe that a Jewish state must be a democratic state that celebrates the pluralism of Jewish practice and identity.

We rely on, value, and encourage partners’ engagement as volunteers and leaders in our community.

Please note: These are the original values and mission statement adopted by our congregation many years ago; however, we have recently refreshed some of the words to reflect current thinking as they relate to our existing values. We have not changed the meaning, intent, or emphasis of either of these statements. Shortly we will begin a process to reevaluate and update our Mission Statement and Core Values. Then we will invite our entire community and our rabbis to work in collaboration to develop a process to reassess and make relevant our current strategic language.

Leadership & Staff

View the profiles for everyone who helps run Congregation Bet Haverim.

Board of Directors

Our Board of Directors oversees our operations and resources and sets goals for our future.


Our congregation has been growing and developing for more than 50 years while serving a diverse population. We’re very proud of our history, and invite you to read our story.

Facility Rentals

Our beautiful and peaceful campus presents Congregation Bet Haverim families and friends with a place to meet, pray, feast, and learn, We encourage the entire community to take advantage of our facilities.

Job Opportunities

Join our team!

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Volunteer Opportunities

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Annual Synagogue Report

View our Annual Synagogue Report.


View our organizational bylaws.

Member of the Union of Reform Judaism

Visit the website and sign up for their newsletters and announcements.

Member of the Jewish Federation of the Sacramento Region

Visit the website and sign up for their newsletters and announcements.

New to Congregation Bet Haverim?

As the center of Jewish community life in Davis and the surrounding area, we are committed to building a community which meets the educational, spiritual and social needs of people in all stages of life.

© 2023 Congregation Bet Haverim

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