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Tikkun Olam

Heal the World

Part of the spirit of Congregation Bet Haverim is to contribute to improving our community and the world around us. To that end, we offer several opportunities within CBH to participate in activities to help improve the lives of our friends and neighbors. 

There are groups at Bet Haverim that channel our passion for healing:

We also share information about programs and activities in neighboring communities that can use our helping hand.  If you know of an activity or organization that should be mentioned, please contact the office or our Communications Coordinator.

תיקון עולם     Tikkun Olam

Contemporary usage of the phrase shares with the rabbinic concept of mipnei tikkun ha-olam a concern with public policy and societal change and with the kabbalistic notion of tikkun, the idea that the world is profoundly broken and can be fixed only by human activity.

Tikkun Olam, once associated with a mystical approach to all mitzvot, now is most often used to refer to a specific category of mitzvot involving work for the improvement of society — a usage perhaps closer to the term’s classical rabbinic origins than to its longstanding mystical connotations.

(from My Jewish Learning)

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