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Tuition Assistance Policy

As of June 2020.

Synagogue Partnership

All families enrolling their children in Hebrew School or Religious School are required to be Congregation Bet Haverim Partners.


The function of tuition for the Religious School, Hebrew School, Keshet, Confirmation, and DRTY is to enable your child(ren) to benefit from a Jewish education and participating in a Jewish community. In addition, tuition supports all aspects of the school and synagogue operations in a healthy and sustainable manner. Timely payment of tuition is essential and a necessary part of the financial stability of the school. In order to make these programs more financially accessible, CBH offers both monthly and quarterly payment plans.


If a family is unable to pay full tuition, a request should be made to the Executive Director. Although scholarship funds are limited, Congregation Bet Haverim is strongly committed to making Jewish education and Jewish community available to all children and families.

Past Due Accounts

If a family is experiencing difficulties in paying their financial obligations, it is essential that you contact the Executive Director to make arrangements. An acceptable payment plan must be made in order for the child(ren) to continue attending school and related programs. Parents whose accounts are past due at the end of the school year cannot re-enroll their children for the upcoming year until a minimum payment of 50% of the previous year’s balance is made and a payment plan for the remainder has been agreed to by the family and the Executive Director.

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