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Streaming from CBH

Many of our in person services, Torah study, and other events can be streamed by Zoom video conferences. Links to many of our activities are on a password-protected page, not available to the public. You will need to download the Zoom application to a computer, tablet, or smartphone to participate. Please see our quick guide for more information if you aren’t familiar with Zoom.

Here’s a link to the Zoom Help Center.

For security reasons, to access the material in this section of the website, you must click the link below and then enter the Partners password. If you do not have the password, please contact the office at office@bethaverim.org or call the CBH office at (530) 758-0842.

If you are new to our community, welcome! If you would like to attend services and aren’t a Partner, please contact the CBH office at office@bethaverim.org or call (530) 758-0842. Thank you for your understanding and we’ll look forward to meeting you.

Zoom links for services, study, & activities

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As the center of Jewish community life in Davis and the surrounding area, we are committed to building a community which meets the educational, spiritual and social needs of people in all stages of life.

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