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Hebrew School Curriculum

Covering Pre-School through Sixth Grade.


Students in the Preschool Class are introduced to simple Hebrew vocabulary through music, movement, story, and play.  Vocabulary is related to Jewish holidays or classroom concepts such as numbers, colors, items in the classroom or synagogue.

Kindergarten & First Grade

Students in the Kindergarten and First Grade Class use either Let’s Discover the Alef Bet from Behrman House or Now I Know My Alef Bet from Torah Aura.  In these curriculum, young children learn the names and sounds of the 22 letters of the alef bet using a series of developmentally appropriate packets.  Each folder introduces one letter and includes a key Hebrew word, engaging strategies to recognize the shape and sound of each letter, playful activities, additional Hebrew vocabulary, and optional activities to bring the learning home.  Hebrew learning continues to be offered through music, movement, story and play.

Second Grade

Students in the Second Grade use Shalom Alef Bet from Behrman House.  In this picture-based curriculum, children become familiar with the Hebrew alphabet’s letters and vowels.  Students learn that Hebrew is read from right to left.  They also practice simple single letter reading, single letter and vowel combinations, and basic vocabulary.  Shalom Alef Bet includes interactive games that encourage cooperative play.

Third Grade (Kitah Alef)

Students in the Third Grade use Hebrew Step-By-Step, a newly created curriculum from Rae Antonoff and JLearn Hub.  This innovative curriculum introduces Hebrew letters (including final letters) and vowels.  The primary focus is Hebrew decoding beginning with simple combinations and progressing as the curriculum continues.  Hebrew Step-By-Step introduces each letter with a “silly Hebrew trick”, utilizes sound pedagogical strategies for reading, and includes handwriting.  The series of eight packets allows children to feel a sense of excitement as they complete each level.

Fourth Grade (Kitah Bet)

Beginning in fourth grade, students begin using their Hebrew skills to read, translate, and explore the meaning of our Hebrewprayers.  The focus in Fourth Grade (Kitah Bet) is on simple prayers including blessings for Shabbat and holidays, Shema, V’Ahavta, Barchu, Mi Kamocha, Ma Nishtanah, and Havdalah. 

Fifth Grade (Kitah Gimmel)

Fifth Grade (Kitah Gimmel) progresses to more challenging prayers with a focus on the Amidah including Avot & Eemahot, Gevurot, and Kedushah as well as Maariv Aravim, Yotzer Or, Kiddush, and Shalom Aleichem. 

Sixth Grade (Kitah Dalet)

In Sixth Grade (Kitah Dalet), the curriculum focuses on the Torah Service and Concluding Prayers including Birchot HaTorah, Birchat HaHaftarah, Aleinu, Ein K’Eloheinu, Adon Olam, and the Mourner’s Kaddish.

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