Kol HaNefesh – Voice of the Soul
Annual Yom Kippur Contemplation & Meditation Ritual.
September 16, 2021 in the Redwood Grove, 3 to 4:30 p.m.
Once again, Kol HaNefesh invites all CBH members and friends to join together in quiet contemplation as Yom Kippur approaches its close. The gathering is designed to complement the High Holy Day services that take place before and after, as well as to support each of us in our personal observances.
We will gather in the Grove, outdoors and with chairs set at least six feet apart, but together in sharing rich introspection, meditation, and prayer. All participants must wear masks while on the Bet Haverim campus, and be vaccinated against Covid-19; therefore, no participants can be under 12 years old. We are requesting registration, so that we can notify you if air quality or other issues force a change in plans.
Join together to dwell in the presence of one another, returning to that quiet space within each of us.
Take time to listen, explore and deepen into the eminence of what resides in each moment.