Music is led by a dedicated group of CBH partners. Lively melodies are accompanied by guitar and other instruments; rhythm instruments are provided for those who wish to join in the music making. Newcomers are welcome to rehearse with the Song Leaders. Contact CBH partner Sarah Pattison for more information.
Tzav / פרשתצַו
Triennial Year 2: Leviticus 7:11-7:38
March 27
Shirley Levine, mother of Neal Levine
March 28
Norman Balter, uncle of Carole Plack
March 29
Syril Carlson, mother of Richard Zeiger
March 30
Jerry Green, uncle of Iris Tennenbaum
Mary Margaret Russell, mother of Elizabeth Renkin
Music is led by a dedicated group of CBH partners. Lively melodies are accompanied by guitar and other instruments; rhythm instruments are provided for those who wish to join in the music making. Newcomers are welcome to rehearse with the Song Leaders. Contact CBH partner Sarah Pattison for more information.
Tzav / פרשת צַו
Triennial Year 2: Leviticus 7:11-7:38
March 27
Shirley Levine, mother of Neal Levine
March 28
Norman Balter, uncle of Carole Plack
March 29
Syril Carlson, mother of Richard Zeiger
March 30
Jerry Green, uncle of Iris Tennenbaum
Mary Margaret Russell, mother of Elizabeth Renkin
April 1
Charlotte Levine, mother of David Kalb
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