Kabbalat Shabbat with Dan Tennenbaum. Participate on Zoom or in the Sanctuary; all who attend on campus must be vaccinated and masked, as we anticipate the presence of young children.
April 2
Elliot Goldstein, husband of Susan Goldstein
Ellen Angres Loeb, mother of Nancy Loeb Williams
Hazel Moore, mother-in-law of Diane Moore
April 3
Blanche Brownstein, mother of Alan Brownstein
Sam Gordon, father of Carla Levin
Julius Hastings, father of Alan Hastings
April 4
Tova Goldkorn, mother of Dan Goldkorn
April 6
Betty Jo Kniep, mother of John Kniep
Rhoda Shickman, mother of David Shickman
April 7
Guille L. Libresco, founding Partner of CBH
Suzette Wright, sister of Kerry Wright
April 8
Robert Bacskai, father of Dorothy Egel
Paul Levin, father of Amy Levin
Dylan Peters, grandson of Pearl Carpenter and nephew of Steven Greenfield
Kabbalat Shabbat with Dan Tennenbaum. Participate on Zoom or in the Sanctuary; all who attend on campus must be vaccinated and masked, as we anticipate the presence of young children.
Tazria / תַזְרִיעַ
Triennial Year 3, Leviticus 13:29 – 13:59
April 2
Elliot Goldstein, husband of Susan Goldstein
Ellen Angres Loeb, mother of Nancy Loeb Williams
Hazel Moore, mother-in-law of Diane Moore
April 3
Blanche Brownstein, mother of Alan Brownstein
Sam Gordon, father of Carla Levin
Julius Hastings, father of Alan Hastings
April 4
Tova Goldkorn, mother of Dan Goldkorn
April 6
Betty Jo Kniep, mother of John Kniep
Rhoda Shickman, mother of David Shickman
April 7
Guille L. Libresco, founding Partner of CBH
Suzette Wright, sister of Kerry Wright
April 8
Robert Bacskai, father of Dorothy Egel
Paul Levin, father of Amy Levin
Dylan Peters, grandson of Pearl Carpenter and nephew of Steven Greenfield
Davis, CA 95616 United States
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