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Kabbalat Shabbat lead by Rabbi Nancy Wechsler of Congregation Beth Shalom. (Note that we will be using a Zoom link from CBS.)
July 9 Daniel Crane, grandfather of Eric Crane Ellis Titche, father of Alan Titche
July 10 Sam Alhadeff, grandfather of Eric Crane Rachel Levitt, daughter of Elise Parnes
July 12 Pearl Levin, mother of Roy Levin
July 14 Blanka Mohtes, mother of Marsha Mohtes-Chan
July 15 Zalman Fram, father of Daphna Fram Dick Shearly, father of Carol Shearly
An event every week that begins at 9:00 am on Saturday, repeating indefinitely
An event every week that begins at 10:00 am on Saturday, repeating indefinitely
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Kabbalat Shabbat lead by Rabbi Nancy Wechsler of Congregation Beth Shalom. (Note that we will be using a Zoom link from CBS.)
Matot-Masei 5781 / פרשת מַּטּוֹת־מַסְעֵי
July 9
Daniel Crane, grandfather of Eric Crane
Ellis Titche, father of Alan Titche
July 10
Sam Alhadeff, grandfather of Eric Crane
Rachel Levitt, daughter of Elise Parnes
July 12
Pearl Levin, mother of Roy Levin
July 14
Blanka Mohtes, mother of Marsha Mohtes-Chan
July 15
Zalman Fram, father of Daphna Fram
Dick Shearly, father of Carol Shearly
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