Join Us For Cheers to 20 Years and More!


Sunday, May 19 | 5:30pm
Celebrating two decades on our Anderson Campus and honoring one of our community heroes, Ernie Biberstein

Twenty years ago our community gathered to say goodbye to one home (on Oak Ave) and hello to another (Anderson Rd). At that time we had no idea what the future would hold, how many memories this campus would hold for us, or how we would grow right along with our Redwood grove. Come celebrate how far we’ve come, whether you’ve been part of this congregation from the beginning or just joined this year, and be part of where we’re headed. We’ll spend the evening celebrating with a catered dinner, silent auction, and musical variety show featuring our talented partners.

We will also honor our very own Ernie Biberstein. Ernie and Hannah, his wife of blessed memory, were both founders of this congregation. Over the years Ernie has given so much. He has tutored countless Bet Mitzvah students, led services, serves as our Musaf maven at the High Holy Days, was even one of our cast members in our recent Purim spiel, Shalom Y’all! and so much more. Whether you know Ernie or not, we hope you’ll help us honor this mensch, by supporting Congregation Bet Haverim’s benefit “Cheers to 20 Years and More!” Our fundraising goal is $101,000 celebrating 101 years of Ernie!

Purchase your tickets and/or become a sponsor

Babysitting is available for children ages 2-6. Space is limited. Please reach out to Liz Bader-Natal to reserve your spot.