March 2020
Erev Purim Celebration!
Chag Sameach Purim! Join Rabbi Seth Castleman and Dan Tennenbaum for a family Purim service at 6:30 with laughs, songs, the CBH Jewish Youth Choir, and a "Frozen" Purim Shpiel with the story of Queen Esther. At 7:30, in the Social Hall, we'll have hamantaschen noshin' and more good times. At 8, we'll start the Hebrew Megillah reading, with noise and audience participation. All ages are invited, and costumes are encouraged!
Find out more »October 2023
New Partner Shabbat
More information coming soon! Kabbalat Shabbat with a Rabbi. Participate on Zoom or in the Sanctuary; vaccination is recommended and masks are optional. The Zoom information is available on our Partners-only page. TORAH PORTION
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