Please note that this form alone does not suffice as Religious/Hebrew School enrollment. This form AND the 2019-2020 Emergency Medical Information Form, which you will see a link to when you press the gold \”Submit\” button at the bottom of this form must both be received, AND a 2019-2020 Bet Haverim Partnership Form (available by clicking the \”Join Us\” button at the top of this page), for your child(ren)\’s enrollment to be complete. Please submit your Partnership Pledge Form prior to completing Religious and/or Hebrew School registration! Participation in the education program is a privilege of partnership, and a Partnership commitment to CBH is required in order to enroll.
We appreciate your perseverance in filling out each of the forms.
All CBH B\’nai Mitzvah candidates must attend Sunday morning Religious School, which is offered for pre-Kindergarten/Kindergarten through 7th grade students. The Hebrew School program begins at 3rd grade, and will be held on Wednesday afternoons. Students who start Hebrew later may not be grouped with age peers or may require private tutoring.
If you have questions about registration, please contact the CBH office by clicking here, or phoning 530-758-0842. If you have questions about the Religious or Hebrew School programs, please contact Education Director Ardyth Sokoler by clicking her name, or phoning 530-758-0842.