October 1
Aaron Katzman, brother of Harriet Gadisman
Buddy Young, father of Liz Malinoff
October 3
Reine Hassid, mother of Eric Hassid
Donavin Henshaw, father of Betty R. Fass
Frank Zbarsky, grandfather of Rabbi Cyn Hoffman
October 4
Nathan Zack, father of Norm Zack
October 5
Padma Aladjem, mother of David Aladjem
Dorothy Kotovsky, aunt of Iris Tennenbaum
Helen Hascal Lewis, mother of Sandra Kniep
Rita Stone, mother of Douglas Stone
Joni Stopper, sister of Amina Harris
October 6
Sally Eckert, co-parented with Diann Kramer
Irv Garber, father of Linda Sternberg
Bernard Zeldner, father-in-law of Amina Harris
October 7
Marjorie Beyer, mother of Robert Beyer
Leah Katharina Gumb, daughter of Jenny Kaminer & Christoph Gumb
Shabbat Shuvah – Kabbalat Shabbat service. Participate on Zoom or in the Sanctuary; all who attend on campus must be vaccinated and masked.
Triennial Year 3, Deuteronomy 31:1 – 30
October 1
Aaron Katzman, brother of Harriet Gadisman
Buddy Young, father of Liz Malinoff
October 3
Reine Hassid, mother of Eric Hassid
Donavin Henshaw, father of Betty R. Fass
Frank Zbarsky, grandfather of Rabbi Cyn Hoffman
October 4
Nathan Zack, father of Norm Zack
October 5
Padma Aladjem, mother of David Aladjem
Dorothy Kotovsky, aunt of Iris Tennenbaum
Helen Hascal Lewis, mother of Sandra Kniep
Rita Stone, mother of Douglas Stone
Joni Stopper, sister of Amina Harris
October 6
Sally Eckert, co-parented with Diann Kramer
Irv Garber, father of Linda Sternberg
Bernard Zeldner, father-in-law of Amina Harris
October 7
Marjorie Beyer, mother of Robert Beyer
Leah Katharina Gumb, daughter of Jenny Kaminer & Christoph Gumb
Davis, CA 95616 United States
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