Kabbalat Shabbat with Rabbi Greg Wolfe, and David Saunders, a Climate Change Professional and brother of our very own, Janet Saunders. David’s talk will use Deuteronomy as a starting place to consider what our Jewish tradition says about protecting the environment and present a modern systematic approach to addressing climate change including strategy, adaptation, mitigation, reporting, and opportunity.
Participate on Zoom or in the Sanctuary; all who attend on campus must be vaccinated and masks are no longer required at services where there are no young children present. However, wearing masks is still suggested indoors in accordance with Yolo County policy.
April 10
Peggy Epstein, wife of Emanuel Epstein
Frances Julian, mother of Bill Julian
Steven Shickman, brother of David Shickman
April 12
Ephriam Landes, father of Elliot Landes
April 15
John Lantry, grandfather of Virginia Lantry
Gene Leonard, father of Danielle Newberry
Shirley Levine, mother of Neal Levine
Elie Tennenbaum, father of Dan Tennenbaum
Kabbalat Shabbat with Rabbi Greg Wolfe, and David Saunders, a Climate Change Professional and brother of our very own, Janet Saunders. David’s talk will use Deuteronomy as a starting place to consider what our Jewish tradition says about protecting the environment and present a modern systematic approach to addressing climate change including strategy, adaptation, mitigation, reporting, and opportunity.
Participate on Zoom or in the Sanctuary; all who attend on campus must be vaccinated and masks are no longer required at services where there are no young children present. However, wearing masks is still suggested indoors in accordance with Yolo County policy.
M’tzora / מְצֹרָע
Triennial Year 3, Leviticus 14:33 – 15:33
April 10
Peggy Epstein, wife of Emanuel Epstein
Frances Julian, mother of Bill Julian
Steven Shickman, brother of David Shickman
April 12
Ephriam Landes, father of Elliot Landes
April 15
John Lantry, grandfather of Virginia Lantry
Gene Leonard, father of Danielle Newberry
Shirley Levine, mother of Neal Levine
Elie Tennenbaum, father of Dan Tennenbaum
Davis, CA 95616 United States
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