Kabbalat Shabbat with Rabbi Greg Wolfe and Bob Smith.
Vayikra / וַיִּקְרָא
Triennial Year 2: Leviticus 3:1-4:26
March 19
Herman Cohen, father of Steve Cohen
Guille Libresco, founding Partner of Bet Haverim
Nellie Weiss, mother of Sheila Beyer
Elaine “Blossom” Woolf, beloved of Susan & Murray Woolf
March 22
Peggy Epstein, wife of Emanuel Epstein
Frances Julian, mother of Bill Julian
Steven Shickman, brother of David Shickman
March 23
Gertrude Auerbach, mother of Audrey Green
Ruth Hurwitz, mother of Jane Rabin
March 24
Ephriam Landes, father of Elliot Landes
Bryan Lauck, stepbrother of Virginia Lantry
Harry Lieberman, father-in-law of Walter Sherwood
Kabbalat Shabbat with Rabbi Greg Wolfe and Bob Smith.
Vayikra / וַיִּקְרָא
Triennial Year 2: Leviticus 3:1-4:26
March 19
Herman Cohen, father of Steve Cohen
Guille Libresco, founding Partner of Bet Haverim
Nellie Weiss, mother of Sheila Beyer
Elaine “Blossom” Woolf, beloved of Susan & Murray Woolf
March 22
Peggy Epstein, wife of Emanuel Epstein
Frances Julian, mother of Bill Julian
Steven Shickman, brother of David Shickman
March 23
Gertrude Auerbach, mother of Audrey Green
Ruth Hurwitz, mother of Jane Rabin
March 24
Ephriam Landes, father of Elliot Landes
Bryan Lauck, stepbrother of Virginia Lantry
Harry Lieberman, father-in-law of Walter Sherwood
March 25
Lillian Simon, mother of Leslie Brumer
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