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Kabbalat Shabbat with Bob Smith. Participate on Zoom only.
Not this month, but on other 2nd Fridays of the month, we will highlight a particular Social Justice theme as a part of our 6 PM service and feature a guest speaker on that topic.
January 15 Lillian Berman, mother of Mark Berman
January 16 David Gollober, son of Dr. Marcia Gollober George Moore, husband of Diane Moore Joan Paikoff, mother of Lawrence Paikoff
January 17 Ellen Kagan, mother of Linda Ziskind Marcus Young, father of Stanley Young
January 20 Victor Eichler, father of Ann Teal
January 21 Francis Curtis, father of Jim Curtis Edith Lerner, mother of Trudie Lerner
An event every week that begins at 9:00 am on Saturday, repeating indefinitely
An event every week that begins at 10:00 am on Saturday, repeating indefinitely
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Kabbalat Shabbat with Bob Smith. Participate on Zoom only.
Not this month, but on other 2nd Fridays of the month, we will highlight a particular Social Justice theme as a part of our 6 PM service and feature a guest speaker on that topic.
B’shalach / בְּשַׁלַּח
January 15
Lillian Berman, mother of Mark Berman
January 16
David Gollober, son of Dr. Marcia Gollober
George Moore, husband of Diane Moore
Joan Paikoff, mother of Lawrence Paikoff
January 17
Ellen Kagan, mother of Linda Ziskind
Marcus Young, father of Stanley Young
January 20
Victor Eichler, father of Ann Teal
January 21
Francis Curtis, father of Jim Curtis
Edith Lerner, mother of Trudie Lerner
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