Family-friendly Shabbat, followed by dinner. This service will honor our Second grade Religious School students. Participate on Zoom or in the Sanctuary; all who attend on campus must be vaccinated and masked.
Service is at 6, dinner at 6:45, and Teen Space time runs from 7:15 to 8:30. The menu, cost for adult & child dinners will be announced in advance, and reservations will be required (and available online).
Family-friendly Shabbat, followed by dinner. This service will honor our Second grade Religious School students. Participate on Zoom or in the Sanctuary; all who attend on campus must be vaccinated and masked.
Service is at 6, dinner at 6:45, and Teen Space time runs from 7:15 to 8:30. The menu, cost for adult & child dinners will be announced in advance, and reservations will be required (and available online).
Tol’dot / תּוֹלְדֹת
Triennial Year 3, Genesis 27:28 – 28:9
November 6
May Titche, mother of Alan Titche
November 7
John Beck, father of Suzanne Nitzkin
November 11
Josh Halperin, step brother of Steve Cohan
Murray Lazarus, father of Nancy Lazarus
November 12
Hilda Rollman-Branch, grandmother of Eric Liederman
Clara Stoessler, grandmother of Dorothy Egel
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