May, 2020, thank you to our generous donors

Support from donors adds to the vibrancy of our house of friends, enabling us to maintain a community that is open to all. The tax consequences of donations vary with your situation, but Congregation Bet Haverim has been granted recognition of our exemption from Federal income tax under section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code. If you have any questions about donations, or want to learn more about programs and activities at Bet Haverim, please contact Executive Director Pia Spector, or call us at (530) 758-0842.

May the memory of those honored be for a blessing.

Donor’s Name Fund Details
Elise Parnes and Johannes Troost Biberstein Social Action In memory of Eve Bukowski
Jessica Calland Davis Community Meals
Toby Douglas & Gretchen Schroeder Education and Youth
Andrew Essin & Julia Chamberlin Gan Haverim donation
Jennifer & Noah Canvasser Gan Haverim donation
Jessica Calland Gan Haverim donation
Aviva Simon & Trent Schreiner Gan Haverim donation
Ryan & Dorothea Taylor Gan Haverim donation
Richard & Laura Caban Gan Haverim donation
Brendan White & Sara Hotton Gan Haverim donation
Saman & Sasha Manesh Gan Haverim donation
Kathleen & Eli Richmond Gan Haverim donation
Naomi Scher Gan Haverim donation
Mark Goldman & Jessica Tucker-Mohl Gan Haverim donation
Sara O’Connor General
Hallie Morrow General In memory of my mother, Phyllis Wahl
Michael & Louise Caplan General In memory of Eve Bukowski
Joanna Stone Rabbi’s Discretionary In honor of Joseph Nelson on his Bar Mitzvah
Douglas Stone Rabbi’s Discretionary In memory of Arnold Stone and to honor his virtual memorial
Jacob Chapman & Ronald Chapman Rabbi’s Discretionary Thank you for your support.
Al & Sandy Sokolow Rabbi’s Discretionary In memory of Sylvia Sokolow, Al Sokolow’s Mother