News and Announcements
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Happy Purim 5781/2021
Purim 5781, a different celebration We were so happy to have so many haverim join us for various activities during Purim this year. From the Megillah reading over Zoom, to the Purim Shpiel over Zoom, to in person deliveries to some of our seniors, and our triumphant drive-through Costume Parade and Celebration, we saw an […]
New Ways of Sharing the Joys of Shabbat!
The pessimist says, “I don’t see how things can get any worse!” The optimist says, “I can!” As we turn the corner, leaving 2020 in the rearview mirror, it is clear that we are not quite able to leave many of the vexing parts of last year behind us; most notably, the physical constraints […]
Community Engagement for Rabbi Transition
In December, the CBH Board announced the creation of a new Rabbinic Process Team (RPT) to help our congregation prepare for the significant transition we’ll experience with Rabbi Greg’s retirement in June, 2022. The Rabbinic Process Team is meeting weekly and making steady progress in developing processes and procedures to ensure the successful selection and hiring […]
Planning Begins for Rabbinic Transition
Last month, our beloved Rabbi Greg Wolfe announced his retirement from CBH effective June 2022. Until then, our community will have many opportunities to express our heartfelt gratitude to Rabbi Greg for his many years as our spiritual leader. To prepare for this significant transition in the Rabbinic leadership of our synagogue, the board has […]
Associate Partnership now available
The CBH Board approved the creation of a new Associate Partnership option. The Associate Partnership will be made available to those in the Yolo/Sacramento area who are full members of a synagogue elsewhere, and those who live outside of the Yolo/Sacramento area but would like to stay connected to CBH. For the former, the benefit […]
July through September, 2020: Thank you to our generous donors!
Support from donors adds to the vibrancy of our house of friends, enabling us to maintain a community that is open to all. The tax consequences of donations vary with your situation, but Congregation Bet Haverim has been granted recognition of our exemption from Federal income tax under section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code. […]